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Administration - Holidays

In this section, you will find an overview of the public holidays in the individual countries as well as the corresponding trading places. Based on this calendar, you can take holidays into account in the "Price valuation" area for the values for the price validity.

You open the area by clicking the "Holidays" button in the navigation panel on the left.

In the "Date range" above the table, you can select the relevant time interval for the list of public holidays. The default setting is the current month, available are the next 12 months and also the previous month.

You can find the following columns in the table for the selected date range:


The date of the holiday.

The table is sorted by this column by default.

CountryThe country in which the corresponding holiday is observed.
Holiday nameThe (international) name of the holiday.
Trading venue codeThe code of the trading venue.
Trading venueThe name of the trading venue.
For more information about navigating and sorting in tables, see Table functions.
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