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What is Infront Analytics Platform?

Infront Analytics Platform helps finance professionals to analyze and compare listed companies. It provides easy access to company data as well as analytics.

Comparable company analysis

Infront Analytics Platform is particularly suited for comparative company analysis. This process consists of comparing a company to other similar companies (also known as peer group), with the assumption that comparable companies have similar financial ratios and valuation multiples.


  • Data and analytics: Benefit from high-quality and consistent equity analytics across global markets and industries thanks to our comprehensive and standardized company data and calculations.
  • Peer analysis: Access market multiples and financial ratios in a single click, using predefined peer groups and innovative tools for the identification of the best comparable companies.
  • Reports and models: Get an instant company report downloading our predefined PDF factsheet, or build your comp table on the web and export it to Excel in one click.
  • Market analysis: Analyze the market from the big picture all the way down to individual companies, identify which industry sectors or market indices are performing best and pinpoint relative differences between comparable companies.
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