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Here, you can find the downloads of the current version of the Infront Data Manager Connect.

Download Java: Client distribution version 4.1.2

Client distribution Java 4.1.2

The ZIP file for download is password protected from version 4.1.2.

If you are an authorised client, please contact Customer Service via the e-mail address for a password.

Only your individual configuration (DMC user, password, URLs for primary and backup server) will be provided separately by e-mail. For this version, the separate area "Client API Documentation" is omitted because this is part of the delivery.

Download .NET: Client distribution version 4.1.2

Client Distribution .NET 4.1.2

Your individual configuration (DMC user ID, DMC password, URLs for primary and backup server) will be provided separately by e-mail.

For this version, the separate area "Client API Documentation" is omitted because this is part of the delivery.

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