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Pull client - example

To retrieve pull data via the RoutingDataStore, first open the file

The next step is to open the file

Select a code sample from the list found in the "Samples/Pull" folder.

All code samples contain the necessary imports, the actual code and the helper methods, where necessary.

You can choose from the following predefined code samples:

  • AfuCompany Data
    Returns AFU data for given symbol.
  • CorporateActionsSymbol
    Returns corporate actions for given symbol
  • CorporateActionsVWDCode
    Returns corporate actions for given vwd code.
  • EventCalendar
    Returns events for given symbol and time period).
  • ExchangeSymbolList
    Returns all vwd codes for the corresponding trading venue.
  • FieldMap
    Returns all field of the fieldmap.
  • FundFinder
    Opens the Fund Finder.
  • FundHistory
    Returns historical data for a fund for given time period.
  • FundStaticData
    Returns static data for given fund.
  • GeneralNewssearch
    Retrieves news via paging.
  • HistoricalTimeSeries
    Returns historical data of an instrument (OHLCV) for a given period.
  • IntradayTimeSeries
    Returns intraday data of an instrument (OHLCV) with respect to a certain aggregation.
  • IndexComposition
    Returns all vwd codes for a given index (such as DAX, NIKKEI and so on).
  • IsinArbitrage
    Returns all vwd codes for a given ISIN/WKN.
  • MarketSnapshot
    Returns all instruments of a given market place.
  • MyvwdCodes
    Returns all vwd codes the user has subscribed to.
  • OptFinder
    Opens the Option Finder.
  • OptionFinderOpra
    Opens the OPRA Option Finder.
  • OptionMatrix
    Opens the Option Matrix.
  • QuoteSnapshot
    Returns code snapshots for a given vwd code and eventually field IDs.
All code samples are just examples that reflect A SINGLE functionality of and are designed for testing only.
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