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Add-in functionality

After login you will see the following sidepanel. 

Top bar

The top bar has the following options.

  • A colored dot indicating the connection status with the backend
    • Green = ok
    • Orange = temporary disconnection
    • Red = disconnected
  • The refresh button to manually refresh the data in the sheet.
  • Link to helpcenter
  • Utility menu
    • Option to disble streaming completely for the sheet
    • Logout button

Overview section

The overview section gives you insight in the options you currently have selected and which will be transported to the Excel sheet.

  • Selection (one of the following options)
    • List of instruments that are selected
    • Selected watchlist
    • Selected portfolio
    • Selected index to show constituents
    • Selected instrument to show its arbitrage list
    • Selected instrument to show its index memberships
  • The fields that you want to show for this selection
    • The option "With fieldname" shows the fieldname as a header row
  • The period for which (if applicable) historical values of the field should be shown
  • If applicable the chosen options will be displayed as well.
  • The button "Add" (in collapsed state) or "Add to worksheet" will add the information to the currently selected cell in the worksheet.

Function builder


The function builder empowers the user to select all the parameters needed to get the desired data in Excel. 

There is a switch between "Daily" and "Intraday" on the top right.

  • "Daily" data refers to latest or historical data on a daily basis
  • "Intraday" gives you access to intraday data

The selection gives you the following choices for "Daily"

  • INS - Instrument search
    • Simple quick search
    • Via the "General search" toggle you can switch to a more advanced search with more options
      • Switch to show only the instrument level or all the quotations on the different exchanges
      • Select the desired instrument type
      • Also include instruments/quotations with outdated prices in the list
  • WL - Watchlist
    • Select a watchlist 
    • Select individual instruments from the watchlist that you want to add to the selection
    • Check "Track my selected watchlist" and on each refresh the watchlist selection will be updated automatically.  
      The maintenance of the watchlist is done in Investment Manager
  • PF - Portfolio
    • Select a portfolio
    • Select individual instruments from the portfolio that you want to add to the selection
    • Check "Track my selected portfolio" and on each refresh the portfolio selection will be updated automatically.  
      The maintenance of the portfolio is done in Investment Manager
  • ICS - Index constituents
    • Search and select an index for which the constituents will automatically be loaded
  • ARB - Arbitrage list
    • Search and select an instrument for which linked quotations will automatically be listed
  • IM - Index membership
    • Search and select an instrument for which the indices this instruments belongs to will be shown

For "Intraday" only the Instrument search is available.


Select the fields that you want to show for the chosen selection. 

(warning) Work in progress - the shown list of fields is currently limited but more fields are supported already technically.  If you export a widget to Excel from within the Investment manager, you'll discover that much more fields can be added to the Excel functions.


  • Daily 
    • Last know values will be shown
    • Show the values for a chosen historical data
      (warning) The date field will be referenced in the function and can easily be changed in the sheet.   Creating specific date ranges can easily be done with standard Excel functionality (link).
  • Intraday
    • Select the period for which you want to request intraday data.  (max 5000 entries)


For now the options are only available for the Intraday section

  • Intraday
    • Sorting - set the sorting of ticks based on timestamp in ascending or descending order
    • Currency - if needed a currency conversion can be done by filling in the desired currency ISO code
    • Tick aggregation - number of ticks that are aggregated valid values are 0, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100. Default: 0
    • Price type - indicate which price you want the ticks on
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