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System requirements

In general Office on Windows, Mac and online are supported.

The Infront Add-in for Excel uses the Microsoft SharedRuntime Common API and is bound to the following requirements from Microsoft which can also be found on this page.

Office EnvironmentMinimal Excel version
Windows (MS365 subscription, retail perpetual Office 2016)Excel 2016: Version 2002 (Build 12527.20092)
Windows (volume-licensed perpetual)Excel 2021: Version 2108 (Build 12527.20092)
MacExcel 16.35
Office on the web


Office on iPad / Office Online ServerNot supported

Additional requirement

WebView2 must be installed.


On Windows versions prior to Windows 11, the WebView2 control must be installed so that Office can embed it. It's installed with perpetual Office 2021 or later; but it isn't automatically installed with Microsoft Edge. If you have an earlier version of perpetual Office, use the instructions for installing the control at Microsoft Edge WebView2 / Embed web content ... with Microsoft Edge WebView2.

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