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Corporate Installer

Excel Add-in for Infront Professional Terminal corporate installer

🔗 Link to download the latest stable version: Excel Add-in for Infront Professional Terminal - corporate installer.

This package should be used by Windows administrators to install:

  • On system read-only folder for single desktop.

  • On a network shared folder, for a group of users.

  • On Windows multi user environment, like Azure, Citrix, etc…

  • Windows menu can be user based or machine based.

  • The application registry, can be user based (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) or machine based (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).

  • Automatic updates disabled and a dedicated administrator resource.

Stay up to date

To stay update and be aware of the next corporate installer version, please send us a mail

We will add your mail to our network installer group and will send you mails only when a new stable corporate version will be released. Up to you next to test it, install it or not.

Infront Professional Terminal corporate installer

Link to download the latest stable version: Infront Professional Terminal - corporate installer.

For more information, please check the corporate website (external link).

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