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Infront Data Manager Regulatory

Market data delivery with added value

Regulatory pricing

Optimally manage, check and monitor individual securities universe This module of Infront Data Manager Regulatory allows users to check and, if necessary, va...

Open the "Regulatory Pricing" module in Infront Investment Manager

If you have licensed the "Regulatory Pricing" module, you can open it directly in Infront Investment Manager. To do this, select the REGULATORY PRICING comma...

Regulatory pricing - Overview

The "Overview" tab is the start page in the "Regulatory Pricing" module. If you are on another tab, you can simply return to the "Overview" tab with a mouse ...


Select a process: Siehe auch: Regulatory pricing - Price valuation Regulatory pricing - Price valuation (OTC) Regulatory pricing - Market conformity check Re...


Um Outlier zu bearbeiten, wechseln Sie auf die Registerkarte "Outlier". Wählen Sie zunächst ggf. über die oberen Auswahllisten den gewünschten Prozess und da...

Bulk Approval

Haben Sie Outlier markiert, dann haben Sie mithilfe der Funktionalität "Bulk Approval" die Möglichkeit, bis zu 100 Outlier gesammelt zu kommentieren und zu v...

Regulatory pricing - Logs

In the "Regulatory pricing" module, all activities of the administrators and validators are logged. You can track these changes on the "Logs" tab. The logs a...

Regulatory pricing - administration

On the "Administration" tab, administrators with the appropriate authorisation can view and, if necessary, also edit the configurations for all asset classes...

Delivery data

After successful completion of the validation of a process (or a part of the process), the data can be delivered to the client. Use the "Deliver data" button...

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