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Rules and parameters in the "Transaction cost calculation" area

List of parameter rules in the "Transaction cost calculation" area:

Rule 1Government bonds and similar instruments developed market rating AAA-A GOVDMHI
Rule 2Government bonds and similar instruments developed market rating below AGOVDMLO
Rule 3Government bonds emerging markets (hard and soft currency)GOVEMAL
Rule 4Investment grade corporate bondsCORIGAL
Rule 5High yield corporate bondsCORHYA
Rule 6Money market instruments (for the sake of clarity, money markets funds not included)MMXFNDS
Rule 7Large-cap shares (developed markets)EQDMLAR
Rule 8MID-cap shares (developed markets)EQDMMID
Rule 9Small-cap shares (developed markets)EQDMSMA
Rule 10Shares emerging markets ALL CAPSEQEMALL
Rule 11Listed derivativesETDERIV
Rule 12OTC Exotic options OTCOEXO
Rule 13OTC Plain vanilla optionsOTCOVAN
Rule 14OTC IRS, CDS and similarOTCSVAN
Rule 15OTC swaps and similar instruments (different from IRS, CDS and similar)OTCSOTH
Rule 16OTC FX forwards developed marketsOTCFXDM
Rule 17OTC FX forwards emerging marketsOTCFXEM

List of parameters:

Tolerance transaction costsEnter the tolerance value in per cent (0-999) for the transaction cost ratio here.

Tolerance arrival price

Enter the limit value in percent (0-999) for the arrival price.
Requested price quality

Enable this parameter, which is disabled by default, to configure the price quality for the arrival price valuation.

After enabling the parameter, first select the price type in the first drop-down list:

  • Intraday
  • Open
  • Close

Then select the valuation type in the second drop-down list:

  • Top
    (without checking available alternatives)
  • Cascade
    (including examination of available alternatives)
Spread value

Enter the spread of the PRIIPs asset class in basis points here.

If there is a different spread value from AFG (Association Française de la Gestion financière), it is displayed next to it with the date. You can overwrite the currently entered value via the button "Take over spread (AFG)".

Parameter rules for which current deviating AFG spreads are available for valuation can be recognised by the "red dots" behind the rule:

A corresponding symbol ("red dot") is also displayed on the "Administration" tab itself.

Time interval

Enter the number of seconds (0-3600) for the time intervals of the arrival price valuation.

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