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Version 4.1.2

The current release 4.1.2 of Infront Data Manager Connect optimises the behaviour in case of network issues.

The following improvements were introduced in version 4.1.2:




[Client Distribution Version 4.1.2 (Java and .NET)]

The reliability in case of network problems was improved.



[Client Distribution Version 4.1.2 (Java and .NET)]

The reliability in case of connection problems was increased and the network load was reduced by the following improvements:

  • Reduction of the keep-alive interval
  • Improved error handling

In Downloads, you can download the corresponding client distribution version 4.1.2 for Java and .NET.

The ZIPs files for download are password protected from version 4.1.2.

If you are an authorised client, please contact Customer Service via the e-mail address for a password.

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