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Array functions mechanism

Since version 3.26 of , a new mechanism is now available to use array function.

It will now be much easier to use array functions if you use an Office 365 version of Excel.

If you use another version of Excel, the mechanism won’t change.

Array functions in :


Office 365

If you have already built array functions using previous versions of you may encounter some issues like:

  • The formula does not update correctly.
  • Some "#N/A" values are persistent at the end of the table.
  • The "Recalculate Formula" has no incidence.

The easiest way to solve this issue is:

  1. To check the formula in the formula bar.

    If the formula is surrounded by brackets, it means that it was set with the previous version.
  2. Then copy the formula.
  3. Select and erase all the values of the table.
  4. Paste the formula.
  5. Press <ENTER>.

With this new mechanism, you will just need to press <ENTER> to update your formulas. If the defined array function table overlaps some content in cells beneath, that will prevent you from updating your array, the "#SPILL" Error will be displayed.

Non Office 365

The use of the array functions in  won’t change. You will still need to press <CTRL>+<SHIFT>+<ENTER> to update your formulas.

If the defined array function table overlaps some content in cells beneath, that will prevent you from updating your array, a message box will be displayed and your formula will be commented.

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