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Infront Excel functions

You will find in this section help on all Infront Excel Add-in functions.

To access the list of all Excel Add-in functions, you can use the Excel function wizard. By selecting the category "Infront function module", you will be able to select one of those functions and access the function arguments wizard to help you build your function with help on all parameters.

Function nameDescription
INFGET()Retrieve one value from a combination of one company / instrument or index, one field and a period. Can retrieve profile, fundamental and estimates data for companies, and time series (historical prices, historical market capitalization, historical estimates) for companies and instruments.
INFGETHIST()Array function which retrieves an history of time series points for a given company on a given period of time.
INFCODECONVERT()Allows to convert one instrument code, ISIN or Bloomberg code into company code or vice versa.
INFGETTABLE()Array function which retrieves a range of details values on a given company, such as top 5 shareholders or officers, last upcoming events or estimates details.
INFINSTRUMENTSEARCH()Array function which retrieves the list of all instruments linked with a given name or feed.
INFALLLISTINGS()Array function based on the functionality "All listings" in Infront Professional Terminal. It retrieves the list of a given instrument or ISIN in all market places.
INFCONTRIBUTE()Not available yet. Will allow to send contribution data on specific instruments.
INFGETINDEXES()Array function which retrieve the last updated list of indexes.

Allows to test the symbology of a given code (companyCode, Index, InstrumentCode, VWD instrumentCode).


Retrieve the current version of Excel Add-in used, or the entitlement status for a given feed.

Starting from version v3.41.0 of Excel Add-in all those functions will inherit some Real Time Data functions behavior. Thereby, the RTD throttle interval will impact every Excel Add-in functions. For more information, please check the handling process of RTD throttling.

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