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The INFGETHIST() function

INFGETHIST() function allows to fetch multiple time series points set for a given range of dates.

Starting from version v3.41.0 of  all those functions will inherit some Real Time Data functions behavior. Thereby, the RTD throttle interval will impact every functions. For more information, please check the handling process of RTD throttling.

For more information, see Array functions mechanism. It explains how to use array functions in Excel.

Function syntax

=INFGETHIST("Company_code or Instrument_code","Field id","From_date","To_date or a duration","{Advanced parameters}")

Function parameter



Infront Analytics company identifier.

Company code, instrument code and ISIN are supported. For more information, see INFCODECONVERT(). This function can be passed to this argument to convert an ISIN into a company code for instance.


00378EF (company code for Danone).

LSE:VOD (instrument code for Vodafone).

Field id

The name or the keyword (id) of the field to be retrieved.
Only time series fields are available for this function. Please refer to the list of available fields below. 




Can be set:

  • As a date in ISO format (YYYYMMDD) or DD/MM/YYYY.
  • As a reference date using keywords like CYS, TODAY…. (for more information, see Period and Reference Date Settings Tables). Only if you are using the duration option in the 4th parameter.


    20190506, TODAY, CYS, 03/01/2020

To_date / duration

Can be set:

  • As a date in ISO format (YYYYMMDD) or DD/MM/YYYY.
  • As a duration : number of days / weeks / months / years.


    20190506, 3weeks, 15days, 03/01/2020


The optional advanced_parameter argument specifies additional information such as the date, currency, data source, and so on.
It can be passed as a 2-dimensional array with a set of keyword-value pair. For more information, see the Advanced_parameter Settings Table. Only the keyword/value pairs referenced can be used.


Specify the frequency of the time series points to retrieve, which data source you want to use, convert the result in specific currency, adjust the scale factor, and so on.

If the dates selected in the 3rd & 4th parameters are set using date format

Differences between Start_Date (From_date) / End_Date (To_Date):

  • The 2 parameters can not be set to the same date.
  • There may be no data available between those two dates. In that case the result retrieved will be "No data available".



From_date to End_date : 20190506 to 20200101.

If the dates selected in the 3rd & 4th parameters are set using date format / reference date and duration
  • The 3rd parameter can be set using reference date / preset keywords (CYS, CWS, CMS...). It can also referred to a specific date using those keywords, by adding or subtracting a number of weeks, months or days: Today-1w / CYS-2m / CMS+2d…
  • The 2 parameters can not be set to the same date.
  • The To_Date of the range will be calculated from the date set in the 3rd parameter minus the duration.



From_date minus the duration: (20190506 – 3 months) to 20190506.

Fields available

Only time series fields can be set in the query for INFGETHIST():

  • OPEN
  • HIGH
  • LOW

The list of available fields can be displayed in the drop down box of the second parameter of the function using the panel:

Calculation field

Starting with version 3.32.0 you can retrieve an history of rebased quotes using INFGETHIST() function. Both in the function and the panel. It will allows you to compare more easily the performance of quotes between instruments.

Syntax: #REBASE(quotes_to_calculate, duration_of_history)



Will retrieve 1 year history of rebased close points for Apple Inc.

You can start using it with the INFGETHIST() panel.

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