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The INFGET() Function

From the 27th of December 2021, FactSet source will be completely replaced and will be no longer available. 

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Starting from version v3.41.0 of Excel Add-in all those functions will inherit some Real Time Data functions behavior. Thereby, the RTD throttle interval will impact every Excel Add-in functions. For more information, please check the handling process of RTD throttling.

INFGET() allows to retrieve profile, fundamental and estimates data for companies, and time series (historical prices, historical market capitalization, historical estimates) for companies and instruments.

  • In case historical data is not available, the forecast data is returned and displayed instead.
  • None of the arguments are case sensitive. You can get help on the function in Excel by hitting <SHIFT>+<F3>.

Function Syntax

INFGET(company_code, field_name, period, advanced_parameter)

Function Parameter



Infront Analytics company identifier.


00378EF (company code for Danone)

LSE:VOD (instrument code for Vodafone)

Company code, instrument code and ISIN are supported.

For more information, see INFCODECONVERT() to convert an ISIN into a company code for instance.


The name of the field to be retrieved.

For more information, see Field Name Settings Table. Only the keywords and names referenced can be used


Net Sales, NETSALES, EBITDA, EPS, EPS Recurring


The optional period argument defines the desired period or reference date for the data. For more information, see Period and Reference Date Settings Tables. Only the keywords referenced can be used.

In case of conflict between the period parameter and advanced_parameter settings, period parameter takes precedence.


The optional advanced_parameter argument is used to specify additional information such as the date, currency, data source etc.

It can be passed as a 2-dimensional array with a set of keyword-value pair. For more information, see Advanced_parameter Settings Table. Only the keyword/value pairs referenced can be used.

You can specify if you are looking for a historical or an estimate point, which data source you want to use, convert the result in specific currency, adjust the scale factor etc.


For more information, please watch a quick video about the use of INFGET() panel.




Historical close price for Vodafone on the 4th of November 2014.

If no value is available for the specified date, by default the Engine will go backward up to 10 calendar days.

=INFGET("21298EX","CLOSE",,"{'referenceDate':'today'; 'currency':'EUR'}")

Split adjusted, historical close price for Vodafone.

If no value is available for the specified date, by default the Engine will go backward up to 10 calendar days.

The price is returned converted in EUR.


Split adjusted, historical close price for Vodafone, from the first day of the current month.

If no value is available for the specified date, by default the Engine will go backward up to 35 calendar days.


Current market capitalization for the company "30088EX", that is HSBC Holdings plc.

=INFGET("30088EX","MARKETCAP",,"{'referenceDate':20160331}" )

Market capitalization for the company "30088EX", that is HSBC Holdings plc on 31 March 2016.


Market capitalization for the company "30088EX", that is HSBC Holding plc on 31 March 2016.


Last available historical net sales for the company "30015NU", that is Apple Inc.

=INFGET("30015NU","EBITDA","LASTY","{'source':'WVB'; 'datasettype':'historical'}")

Last available historical net sales on WVB database for the company "30015NU", that is Apple Inc.
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