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Data migration : Important user information

From the 27th of December 2021, FactSet source will be completely replaced and will be no longer available. 

For any issue you may encounter, please refer to our recommendations and workaround. For more information about this process please follow our guidelines and information.

We highly recommend you to upgrade your Excel Add-In to version 3.35.0 (released on the 24th of December 2021).

From the 27th of December 2021, Infront is changing part of its data providers. FactSet source will no longer be available.

Before 25/12/2021From the 27/12/2021

Fundamental data

WVB (Worldvestbase)WVB (Worldvestbase)
Consensus & Estimates data

WVB (Worldvestbase)WVB (Worldvestbase)
FactSetS&P Global


For more information, please follow our guidelines and information.

From the 27th of December 2021, FactSet will be discontinued (both for estimates and fundamentals data).

  • MorningStar (MRS) will provide fundamental data;
  • Standard and Poors (SNP) will provide estimates data.

For Excel Add-In versions prior or equals to v3.34.0 (released on the 2th of December 2021)

For InfGet() and InfGetHist() functions

Thoses functions will no longer support the FactSet source (set either as “FactSet” or “FDS”).

Work around: replace it by source “AUTO”. It will automatically:

  • Switch to SNP for estimates data;
  • Switch to MRS for estimates data.

You can also set those sources instead of the one selected in your previous models.

Recommendation: upgrade your Excel Add-In version to the latest (v3.35.0).

For Quick Report

The Quick Report will automatically swich to the new database.

However, the Quick Report’s fields headers will unproperly display “FactSet” as a data source instead of either MorningStar for fundamental data or S&P for estimates ones. But values will be provided by the new sources.

For Excel Add-In versions greater or equals to v3.35.0 (released on the 24th of December 2021)

For InfGet() and InfGetHist() functions

Thoses functions will no longer support the FactSet source (set either as “FactSet” or “FDS”).

Work around: replace it by source “AUTO”, “MRS” or “SNP”. You can also select directly “MorningStar” or “S&P” sources from panels, depending on the type of data chosen.

For Quick Report

The Quick Report will automatically swich to the new database. And the headers will be correctly set.

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