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Excel Add-in for Infront Professional Terminal

Corporate Installer Corporate install...

Corporate Installer

Excel Add-in for Infront Professional Terminal corporate installer 🔗 Link to download the latest stable version: Excel Add-in for Infront Professional Termi...

Release Notes Version 3.40.0

In this new version of Excel Add-in for Infront Professional Terminal a change has been made on all Excel models push process, from Infront Analytics' platform as well as in Infront Professional Terminal. All models using Quick Report have been replaced by ones built with INFGET() functions instead.

Excel Add-In for Infront Investment Manager

Infront Investment Manager users should use the new Office Add-in. More details can be found here.

Excel Add-in basics

In this section, you will find general help for the Excel Add-in for Infront Professional Terminal.

Infront Excel functions

Get help on all the Infront Excel Add-in functions such as INFGET() or INFGETHIST().

Periods & dates parameters

Learn how to use periods and dates with the Excel Add-in

Infront Excel VBA API : InfCommand

The macro Excel command "InfCommand" was created to make it easier to use VBA macros. Those can be used with personal models or predefined ones to automate f...

RTD() function

Realtime symbol data may be accessed from Excel via Real Time Data (RTD) and Infront Professional Terminal. Using RTD requires Excel 2002 or later and needs ...


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Video tutorials

Learn how to use the Infront Excel Add-in with our video tutorials.

Field names & corresponding Keywords

The below table gives you the keyword corresponding to fields available in Infront Functions. Balance Sheet Keyword Name CASHSTINV Cash and Short Term Invest...

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