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Infront Add-in for Excel for Infront Investment Manager

Easy, quick and complete access to Infront market data

System requirements

In general Office on Windows, Mac and online are supported. The Infront Add-in for Excel uses the Microsoft SharedRuntime Common API and is bound to the foll...


The Infront Add-in for Excel is available in the Office store and can easily be downloaded from there. General instructions on how to install an add-in can b...

Excel functions

The Infront Add-in for Excel uses custom Excel functions to retrieve the actual data. Function name Description INFRONT.GETFIELD Retrieve one value for a spe...

Add-in functionality

After login you will see the following sidepanel. Top bar The top bar has the following options. A colored dot indicating the connection status with the back...

Infront Investment Manager Integration

An easy way to get data in Excel is using the export functionality that is build into the context menu of certain widget in Infront Investment Manager. A fil...

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Find the answer to frequently asked questions below. Please contact our support if you didn't find the answer you're looking for. How to clear you Office Add...

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